Friday, January 13, 2012

Blog 2: Reaction on systemic violence.

    In this blog some of the thoughts I want to share is one of Zizek’s terms of violence; systemic violence. A system of violence where society together with time create a routine environment where politics and economy have major influences on their behalf to portray as what is moral according to what’s going on in history. One good example to relate to this idea is a photograph taken in the period of racial discrimination against blacks, where lynching were consider a normal ritual rather than something out of this world. In the photograph a black men is being hang in front of many white people, most of them being in the working class including children. In the picture one can see how this act of violence is seen as a symbol of defense and at the same time justification for their actions. Children are smiling and people gather well dressed as if it was a sporting event. As it has been proven humans develop a sense of pleasure in watching violence and in this picture people are enjoying the lynching of a negro at the time just like people enjoy bull fighting, where matadors slew bulls by sticking a sword in the neck and killing the bull in front of lots of people. This can give people a sense on how violence develops and adapts to society according to the environment they going through with a reflect on politics and economic status.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Reaction on civil disorder in NYC

    Examining the Declaration of Independence in a close look I got to  realize some of the details behind its meaning and the birth of our values that this country was found on.  One of the most significant being that when it was open to the public it was portrayed in a manner to show it's people that they had justification from God to deliver the powers to the people, as religion played a major role in that time frame.That natural rights were derived form God. Another interesting point was that in the Declaration of Independence said that "All men are created equal", meaning that women did not have a say and were consider as property and not as human.
Another point to look at, was that this country was found through violence and kept going through time. Irish immigrants were fearful and scare that led them into a clash of emotions against its government and blacks being freed from slavery migrating up north and posing a thread on jobs. The response was a chaos. Irish caused a revolt and went to the streets and burn down buildings in response to their fear. At the same time they were being drafted and saw that as an unfairness act against them specially with the right for the wealthy to waive their presence for $300. This together with freed salves coming up north caused a terrific fear on people living in New York at the time.